Can we help you?
About Bitebird
Bitebird coverage
Bitebird data
Bitebird device
Bitebird security & passwords
Orders and delivery
About Bitebird
What is Bitebird and how does it work?
What is data roaming?
What are the benefits of using Bitebird?
Will I be able to make calls using Bitebird?
What can I do if I can connect to the device (over Wi-Fi or using a USB cable) but I can't get online?
What can I do if, when I open a web page, it jumps directly to the management page (I can't use the Internet)?
Can I connect to a computer through a USB cable?
Can I use Wi-Fi and have the Bitebird connected to a computer at the same time?
What are the terms of guarantee?
Bitebird coverage
What can I do if the signal is weak?
Where can I use Bitebird?
Do I need to buy several bundles if I travel to several countries?
What can I do if my internet speed is slow?
How large is the Wi-Fi coverage area?
Bitebird data
How do I select the right data bundle?
What causes unintentional data use and how do I prevent it?
How much does the data cost?
How long is my data bundle valid for?
Where can I check the status of my bundle?
How do I top-up or recharge my Bitebird?
Bitebird device
I performed a reset on my Bitebird, how can I set the configuration again?
What is included in my Bitebird device?
When I open URL (Huawei interface), the « admin » password is not accepted, what should I do?
What is the largest number of devices that can be connected through Wi-Fi at once?
With which devices can I access the internet via Bitebird?
What can I do if the Bitebird suddenly powers off?
How long can I use my Bitebird on one charge and how long will it last on standby mode?
How do I charge my Bitebird battery?
Why won’t my Bitebird power on?
What can I do if Bitebird will not charge?
Bitebird security & passwords
Is using the internet with Bitebird secure?
What are the different logins / passwords for?
How can I change my Wi-Fi password?
What should I do if I forget the username/password for my Bitebird Selfcare account?
I have lost my Bitebird password (to enter the backend website of the device)
I have lost my Mybitebird Username / Password
What are the steps to reset my Bitebird?
What do I do if my Bitebird breaks?
How to delete my Bitebird account?
Orders and delivery
Is the online Bitebird payment environment secure?
How can I order a Bitebird?
Can I order more than one Bitebird?
I am interested in Bitebird for my company, who do I have to contact?
Can someone else buy data for my Bitebird?
Can I have my Bitebird delivered to another place than home?
How long does it take for me to receive my Bitebird?
What are the shipping costs for Bitebird?
Can I return my Bitebird?
Contact the Bitebird team
Call: +33 1 74 95 95 12
Please note that our Customer Service is open at the following times (all quoted times are Central European Time)
Monday to Friday:
9:00AM – 5:00PM
11:00AM – 3:00PM